Wabag, a leading Indian group specializing in the water sector, has been signed up as the process and technology contractor by Sepco III Electric Power Construction Corporation (Sepco III) for a 20 MLD industrial wastewater treatment plant at Ras Tanura refinery complex in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Announcing the $33.5 million contract win, Wabag said its scope of work includes design, engineering, procurement, supply, and supervision of installation and commissioning of the waste plant to treat a complex cocktail of effluents from the desalter effluent, tank farms, and other oily wastewater sumps in the refinery.
The waste plant is being constructed by Sepco III and developed by Miahona
The waste plant is being constructed by Sepco III and developed by Miahona, a leading PPP developer and operator of water and wastewater projects in the Kingdom for its off-taker Saudi Aramco.
A leading pure-play water technology expert, Wabag said the entire work will be completed within 20 months.
The Indian multinational group said it will employ biological treatment followed by filtration and reverse osmosis technologies to treat the effluent partly towards reuse in the refinery. The treatment scheme also includes wet air oxidation for the treatment of spent caustic effluent.#