Representatives from Qiddiya City have embarked on a global tour this year called ‘Unearthing Qiddiya’, showcasing the city’s ambitious gaming developments at some of the world’s largest gaming events. Attendees at these events have been treated to immersive experiences that offer a sneak peek into the different gaming zones being created. For instance, at Gamescom Latam in June, the focus was on the city’s Alternate History zone, while Gamescom Cologne in August highlighted the High Fantasy zone. Most recently, the Tokyo Game Show featured the Cyberpunk zone. The tour continues, with a stop planned at G-Star in Busan this November, where the final Space zone will be unveiled.
Qiddiya City aims to redefine entertainment with diverse offerings. Sports enthusiasts can look forward to a FIFA-compliant multisport stadium, a motorsports speed track, and two golf courses. The city will also feature a futuristic Performing Arts Center, a water park, and multiple theme parks, including the world’s first Dragon Ball theme park. In total, Qiddiya is set to host more than 400 tourist attractions and experiences.
Qiddiya City aims to redefine entertainment with diverse offerings
One of the most innovative concepts is what Qiddiya City refers to as ‘IRL Gaming’, designed to immerse visitors in a living video game environment. This feature will be central to the Gaming & Esports District, located in the heart of the city. The district will be divided into four distinct zones, each themed around a specific gaming genre: Cyberpunk (RPG), Alternate History (Action Adventure), High Fantasy (MOBA), and Space (First-Person Shooter).
Each zone is meticulously crafted to reflect its central theme
Each zone is meticulously crafted to reflect its central theme, incorporating characters, lore, and narrative elements into the environment to create a fully immersive experience. Visitors can earn achievements within the zones, which unlock access to additional areas, enhancing engagement. Additionally, the Gaming & Esports District will include several spaces dedicated to esports, featuring four venues, the largest of which will accommodate 5,300 spectators.